
Currently in my fourth year of PhD, I am enrolled in the Laboratory of AudioVisual Communications (LCAV) at EPFL, Switzerland. I work under the supervision of Prof. Martin Vetterli, Dr. Matthieu Simeoni and Dr. Julien Fageot.
My research interests are centered around Sparse Signals Reconstruction, in continuous or discrete domains, with a focus on developing efficient numerical methods. My research work includes applications to Radio Interferometry in astronomy.

You can find the slides and posters of my public presentations in the Talks tab. My journal publications are listed in the Publications tab.

Don't hesitate to reach out!


  • Poster for EUSIPCO 2024 article A Decoupled Approach for Composite Sparse-plus-Smooth Penalized Optimization available here, also showcased during ICCP2024 (check Publications tab for the paper).

  • The official journal paper for PolyCLEAN has been subitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics, pre-print available here.

  • Our paper A Decoupled Approach for Composite Sparse-plus-Smooth Penalized Optimization has been accepted to EUSIPCO 2024 ! Pre-print available here.

  • The Polyatomic Frank-Wolfe algorithm to solve the LASSO problem is available on my GitHub page, check the illustration notebook and the reconstruction example files for a demo. [Code]

Academic activities

I have been teaching assistant for the following classes at EPFL:

  • Analysis 101
  • Signal Processing for Communications (COM 303)
  • Signal Processing (COM 202)

I am also a reviewer for the Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) and Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis (ACHA).