List of the last public presentations (check out the slides!)


  • MPIfR Invited Talk - PolyCLEAN: Convex Optimization for Radio Interferometry with a CLEAN-like Polyatomic Algorithm

    Adrian Jarret


  • BASP Frontiers - PolyCLEAN: A Polyatomic Frank-Wolfe Algorithm for Interferometric Imaging

    Adrian Jarret, Julien Fageot, Matthieu Simeoni



  • IEEE ICIP - A Fast and Scalable Polyatomic Frank-Wolfe Algorithm for the LASSO

    Adrian Jarret, Julien Fageot, Matthieu Simeoni

    [Poster] [Video]

  • Swiss SKA Days - PolyCLEAN: A Frank-Wolfe ALgorithm for source deconvolution with sparsity priors

    Adrian Jarret


  • GRETSI - Une Version Polyatomique de l’algorithme Frank-Wolfe pour le problème LASSO en grandes dimensions

    Adrian Jarret, Matthieu SImeoni, Julien Fageot


  • CANUM - L’algorithme de Frank-Wolfe: une version Polyatomique pour la r’esolution rapide du problème LASSO

    Adrian Jarret



  • Swiss SKA Days - Interferometric Imaging in Radio Astronomy with the Sparsity-Promoting Frank-Wolfe Algorithm

    Adrian Jarret
